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Experience Project Members » Discussions » Have you been using that new website that they say is just like

Have you been using that new website that they say is just like

What's that app/website's name again?

  • I didn't know there was one
    Posted September 14, 2016
  • Similar Worlds!

    Posted September 14, 2016
  • I just discovered that website due to this thread. I love it since it has the same format as EP. But I noticed a MAJOR difference. When I post an experience over there I instantly get people who want to fight me..they even start flaming me. I don't recall this happening at EP. This is a very negative trait of this new place and I hope they clean it up.
    Posted September 14, 2016
  • Hopefully they will.  I haven't noticed that, but then I haven't been very active on there yet.  I have noticed that the admin on the site seem to really care about what kind of experience people are having on their site, as they sometimes respond to people's questions regarding the site and its features, and they have also added features that people have requested.  So hopefully they'll clean it up.

    One thing that I've noticed in general, and not just on social media, is that when it gets close to election time people start arguing a lot more about politics and things can really get ugly.  I don't know if the flaming that you've observed on Similar Worlds has had anything to do with politics or not, but if so, that could be part of the problem.  I'm hoping that after the election is over people won't be fighting so much anymore.

    Posted September 14, 2016
  • No I stay away from politics on a site like that.I reserve all my political thoughts to twitter where I have like minded followers.
    Posted September 14, 2016
  • Oh, that's good.  I generally don't discuss politics either, except with those who I know are of like mind.  That's too bad, about the flaming.  Hopefully it will get cleaned up.  Some of those people will probably have to be blocked and maybe reported.

    Posted September 14, 2016
  • I blocked the one user that was most combative. That should help.
    Posted September 14, 2016
  • Good for you!  Hopefully it will.

    Posted September 15, 2016
  • What's the name of it and what's the address?
    Posted January 24, 2017